Saturday, February 23, 2008

1and1 vs dreamhost

Am working on a new portfolio website for a creative and have recommended hosting for him at 1and1.

I chose 1and1 for the following features:

  • Low cost hosting.

  • Good control panel.

  • Lots of features.

  • Generous resource allocation.

Further, this is the third site I have recommended for hosting at 1and1 and I have never had a problem with site availability with them yet (no downtime).

If you google "dreamhost + 1and1" you will see a lot of folks recommending DH over 1and1.

I have a client a client who chose to host at DH and I have to report that their uptime is a joke. Email stops working, sites stop working frequently, sometime with advance notice, sometimes without notice.

Moreover, DH has a very generous referral program and I can't help but feeling that lots of the folks who are recommending DH are doing to get a little juice sent their way.

I also have my own hosting account at DH. It's a great deal IFF you are looking for cheap hosting without a care for reliability. I keep thinking that I will do a site with them since I prepaid for a year's hosting there. Yet I can't think of any site that I would take the time to make where I would take the time to build it and then not care about reliability enough to host at dreamhost.

Dreamhost is based in California. 1and1 is based in Germany. I think the geography is really telling.

Dreamhost believes in radical transparency. They use surfer lingo. They've got a lot of bounce.

1und1 is strict, German style. When you sign up for a new account and put in your address they validate against the USPS and so detect if you have incorrectly entered your own address (like they know your address better than you do). They don't assign usernames, they assign user IDs. You are a number, not a name.

While 1and1 does have some quirks, (more on which in future posts) on the whole they are the better low cost hosting provider.

For sites where I need very high uptime and responsive customer service tho, I still recommend Pair.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What Apple's new board member points to...

Apple added a new board member yesterday, Andrea Jung, Chairman and CEO of Avon.

There is some speculation on what this means. My 2 cents:

This is a play to expand Apple beyond its core US market. Where there are ladies there are Avon ladies. Nobody does global marketing better than Avon.

Apple wants to get the iPhone into China. They want to build market-share in Europe and Japan (both trail US market share substantially).

Ms Jung speaks Mardarin. She has connections all all over the world...

Digital Broadcast TV is excellent in Park Slope

So we got a new TV for xmas. We mostly used our old TV to play DVD and VHS.

The new TV is 1080p, and we paired it with an up-converting DVD player. (Seemed too soon to jump in on the Blu-Ray vs HD-TV battle, tho, that seems to have settled itself out this week). The DVD's look great.

Later mostly just for fun I reattached the antenna on my roof and aimed it a little better at the Empire State Building (where most of the antennas are since the WTC was knocked down). We get all the main channels in both analog and digital now. I wonder if people even know that this is available? The picture quality of the digital broadcast channels is really excellent.